Senin, 06 Agustus 2012


Manta Point
Level: Beginner to experienced
Dive Entry: Boat entry, simple roll back.
Water temperature: 19-28 depending on the time of year
Visibility: 5-8 meters
Conditions: Swell and surge
 Manta Point Marine Life:
Manta rays, cuttle fish, lion fish, trigger fish, sea moth, nudibranchs. We’ve also seen a nurse shark here and bizarrely, a very lost mola mola!
 Manta Point Details:
Manta Point attracts manta rays all year round, the waters are rich with plankton which attracts the magnificent bird of the seas for feeding; the site also acts as a cleaning station. Manta Point is rather bland so the only reasons to dive this site are the manta rays - but oh are they worth it! On some days you can see one manta, on another day you can see twenty! They are very friendly and enjoy the company of divers, often swooping in to investigate and shivering with excitement as the divers’ bubbles tickle their bellies.
 Manta Point Recommendations:
Try coming in low season as between the months of July through to the end of October you can expect up to 30 dive boats on this site.

Price for Manta Point
Description Acces Duration Price/person Book Here
Certified DiversBoat Dive 2 Dives US $ 150 US $ 110

Mobile: (+62) 081236031532

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